In automation, telemetry and IoT applications, devices with RS232 or RS485 port need to be read remotely. Due to the communication distance limitation of the serial port, difficulties and problems arise in automation applications. To eliminate this distance restriction, reading these devices over the Ethernet network may be requested as an alternative. So, such an application is desired, the serial port device will need to communicate via Ethernet. To do this, a serial converter, serial to ethernet conversion, is needed.
In this context, ERC555 Ethernet serial converter is called a serial device server or serial converter. It allows connecting any port (either RS485 or RS232) to a computer network and monitoring and controlling it over the network. In this way, the need to keep a PC next to the device is eliminated. Using ERC555, the communication distance problem is solved. While RS232 or RS485 communication is limited, it is possible to track and monitor over the internet with today's Ethernet structure. Devices available in the industry such as energy analyzers, uninterruptible power supplies, meters, compressors, etc. can be read without any distance.
Network connection is realized via TCP/IP protocol and can be set as both client and server. Additionally, the device can be accessed by providing a name instead of an IP address (NetBIOS feature).
Due to the nature of the application, when there is no Ethernet connection, serial data will be lost. If this situation will have critical consequences, the buffer memory feature of our device can be used (provided optionally). The data received on the RS232, RS485 port of ERC555 is stored in memory if there is no connection, and this memory is not erased when the power is cut off. When any TCP connection is re-established, the data in the buffer is transmitted to the relevant application.
Ordering options
xx Buffer option : [00: No Buffer 12 :128k, 25: 256k 38: 384k 51:512k]
YYY RS232-RS485 port option: [-232 :RS232 , -485: RS485]
P: 5-30V power , A : 5V DC Adaptor, D: Din Rail mount options
Some of applications with using ERC555 :
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